Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapists in British Columbia are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health for their patients. They are educated to assess and treat using techniques such as manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, rehabilitative exercise and patient education. Massage therapists are effective in the treatment and management of many health con... Read More

Registered Massage Therapists in British Columbia are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health for their patients. They are educated to assess and treat using techniques such as manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, rehabilitative exercise and patient education. Massage therapists are effective in the treatment and management of many health conditions.

Common Conditions Treated:
Stress, Muscle and Joint Pain, Whiplash, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Repetitive Strain Injury, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Cancer, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, Postural Dysfunction, Osteoarthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Plantar Fasciitis, Pregnancy, Stroke.

My name is Jennifer Williamson and I have been an RMT since 2009. I am a graduate of the 3000 hour program at WCCMT.

After 12 years of practicing massage therapy in a multidisciplinary clinic setting, I have finally found a space to call home in the VGH/Fairview neighbourhood in Vancouver.

I am a committed and intuitive practitioner. I provide a safe, non-judgemental space for my clients to feel fully seen and heard in order to let go. I love to connect with people, share stories, laugh lots and keep it pretty real.

I strive to facilitate my clients’ innate capacity for healing and inner balance. I am fascinated and intrigued by the body-mind connection, and very inspired that Western science is now starting to research and understand that we are WHOLE beings. I believe that if we can reduce stress we can ease into a better state of health.

The modalities I use most in my practice are Swedish massage, myofascial release, trigger point release, joint mobilization, and therapeutic touch. My treatments tend to be quite relaxing (I have a knack for putting my clients to sleep!) but also address specific areas of the body and concerns related to pain and dysfunction.

My name is Jennifer Williamson and I have been an RMT since 2009. I am a graduate of the 3000 hou... Read More

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